Interview with Gertrude Baines: World's Oldest Person

Gertrude Baines is currently the worlds oldest person. As of today she is well into her 115th year and still living. Generally speaking she is standoffish about her age and her thoughts on longevity. She gives no advise for living long but she has been known to advise people to "Ask God" about it.

Last November Gertrude was filmed and interviewed as the world's oldest voter. She has been a Democrat her whole life and has said that her father, a slave, was also a Democrat. She proudly votes for Barack Obama saying he is the candidate for the common man. Enjoy the video of the voting ceremony and then a video of her more recent 115th birthday. You can also read more about her birthday in this recent post from the Huffington Post and more about the woman in this piece from the Seattle Times.

Gertrude Baines' 115th Birthday

Gertrude Baines - The Oldest Voter

In case you missed it check out the fantastic CBS interview with Walter Breuning, America's oldest man.

Leading Causes of Death

Heart Disease is easily the leading cause of death in America. One of the major contributors to heart disease is cholesterol. See the following posts for more on lowering your risk for heart disease:

How To Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels Naturally

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