What's Your Risk of Dying from Coronary Bypass Surgery

Ever wonder what your risk of dying from coronary bypass surgery is? According to a study by HealthGrades.com:
Your risk of dying from coronary bypass surgery decreases by 73 percent if you're a patient at a five-star rated hospital as opposed to a one-star rated hospital.

HealthGrades rates hospitals across the nation based on many different types of procedures. You may want to take a look to get an idea of which hospitals specialize in what relates to your needs. And as I posted on earlier another important thing to think about in regards to surgical procedures is the personal experience of your actual surgeon. If you're going to have to have a procedure done; you will want the best care.

Leading Causes of Death

Heart Disease is easily the leading cause of death in America. One of the major contributors to heart disease is cholesterol. See the following posts for more on lowering your risk for heart disease:

How To Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels Naturally

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