Starting The P90X Exercise Program

Excerpt taken from Best Life, Sept. 2007:
Ten percent of deaths in America are caused by a sedentary lifestyle, according to Harvey Simon, MD, editor of the Harvard Men's Health Watch. He says that fewer than 25 percent of Americans get the exercise they need and suggests that walking one to three miles a day can give you the same health benefits as a cardio-heavy aerobic workout.

For this reason I have been giving thought to trying my hand at daily exercise. I generally eat well and am healthy otherwise but I haven't been a good role-model or caretaker of my own body when it comes to exercise. I got my hands on the P90X workout DVDs and (starting this week) I plan on venturing out into this 90-day program to better my physical health.

Obviously this plan is a bit more strenuous than walking one to three miles as the good doctor was quoted above as saying but in this case more is better in my opinion. After all studies have shown that if you exercise vigorously at least three days a week you will be decrease your risk of death from any and all causes by 32 percent over the following seven years.

Has anyone ever looked into the P90X system? Do you have any opinions or concerns about it before I get started with the program? Let me know in the comments.

Best Life, Sept. 2007

Leading Causes of Death

Heart Disease is easily the leading cause of death in America. One of the major contributors to heart disease is cholesterol. See the following posts for more on lowering your risk for heart disease:

How To Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels Naturally

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